Yesterday was a day that you in a way can define as “the day of no return”. Nothing could go wrong( no matter we just got a deny on sponsor funds from Jyske Bank) We have the flight tickets, we have a place to live in Mostar and we definitely start feeling the excitement in our stomachs and chests. Yesterday we also recieved the final approval of our synopsis by Kasper Arentoft, Team-manager, Team 13, which means that we have fully acceptance on our project from the Kaospilots behalf. Monday we delivered the first edition of the synopsis. We got it back yesterday afternoon with only a few practical adjustments needed, and then yesterday late night we got the final approval..yeah yeah yeah..

Monday evening we went to Paradis Cinema and saw the highly recommended movie “Sarajevo, håbets sang”. In short terms the movie was about a teenage daughter, having a hard time adapting herself into the surroundings and society, and her war-traumatic mother filled up with unpleasant memories that is playing a big part in her mind. It was a very good movie, no argue about that, but it was also very miserable, but that actually engaged us even more to make a project about future perspectives and not looking back on the past full of war and destructions. What was really good about this movie, was that we really got a deeper insight in the world of Bosnia 10 years after the war. Furthermore it was very cool to hear the language and just in general get a better feeling about the environment down there.

“A little bonus in the end” Nanna’s dear beloved father have arranged that we can borrow 4 digital cameraes. We hereby give him a big thanks..
The next couple of days, we will be very busy with the admission workshop for the new team 14. 77 applicants are participating and will go trough an intense workshop and end up by being only 33 for the next team at the Kaospilots, Team 14.
Best regards from the “picture your future” gang.
Song of the day (goes to Zlatco Boric) Smells like teen spirit, Nirvana.....enjoy the sun
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