-here is some of Sørens pics, from that morning. -Hanne fucked her memery card again... how proffesional is she?? :0)

This was the great day of writing!!! Hedvig and Nanna stayed at home trying hard to get words on paper. Søren and Anders were of to Abrasevic to meet with the “Journalists” and the interview objects. As we before have experienced communication can be very difficult. Apparently 15 people thought they were to be interviewed but only 3 “journalists” were available. They managed to go through all of them any way – we are really dealing with hardworking people. IT´S NICE!!!
Small practicalities were on the program, but mainly the day was set of to hammer on the keyboard. Hedvig and Nanna went to Budda bar to continue the work. You really have to adapt, when you are use to have space and silence to work in. Maybe Budda bar just ain’t the place for writing… they play loud music with texts like “My daddy ain’t rich, my mama is a bitch, don’t feel sorry for me just suck my d….!”
At six o clock the workday was over and the guys joined the girls for a catch up of the day and beers.
This day was not just some random day, no no, Hedvig made sure that we all knew that the 17th of May is the Norwegian national day. All day long she was singing the national anthem and other Norwegian stuff. To make her a little happy and so she would not miss her friends and country too much, we replaced the dinner with alcohol… very Norwegian.!!! Lets celebrate small and young nations.
And just a little add on, we have now been here for seventeen days and some of us feel more at home than others…to put it in other words, Nanna took her scarf and put it on her head so she looked like a Muslim and walked happy home without any annoying men bothering her.
And now for Hedvigs own opinion of the day:
This was a very dramatic day for me, both mentally and physically. For the first time in my life I was not home in Oslo celebrating my national day.
I had tried for some days to explain the importance of this day to the rest of the group and that the 17th of May is bigger than New Years Eve, Christmas and birthdays all together. You can say that I got little to no response or understanding from them… Damn those Danes, all they think about are themselves…
The whole day I tried to get some writing done, but my mind kept dreaming about the 17th of May.. I saw myself in my national costume (the very famous Bunad!!) celebrating with all my friends, walking around singing the national anthem, drinking beer, smiling and laughing..
But my dream didn´t last long, I was snapped back into reality by the heartless Danes who showed no empathy and were just focusing on writing the workshops “Hedvig what were your expectations for the 2nd workshop…” bla bla bla… Those cruel people, what ever happened to loving something that was once yours?
But after a long torturing day without any celebration I think the Danes finally got some sense in them and they agreed on that Hedvig needs to celebrate! And so we did in true Norwegian style, loads of beers, vodka here and a whiskey there… Hedvig finally smiled again and the love for the Danes had returned!
1 kommentar:
pore hedvig!! -so what is the learning from that episode?
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