Søren and Anders had planed to go to the beach that day and Hedvig jumped on that train as well. The Wednesday update will be a parallel story.
Hanne and I (Nanna) stayed at the apartment to work on their projects. After fighting for a couple of hours with a Power Point presentation for the workshop Saturday (I definitely needs more practice) I went into town. Only small project to solve this day, like getting a Bosnian number, sending postcards and drinking coffee.

On the bridge and under it was full of people cheering. Children drawings were exhibit on the fence and a guy was standing on the roof of a building with a big flag. The divers who often jump from the bridge (30m high) to the river were getting ready. Something big was going on.

First flowers were thrown into the water, then three divers jumping at the same time with the legs first and the final was a man jumping with the head first. It al happened very fast and was over very fast.
The 9th of May is the day the muslims were attached by the Coats and they gather at the bridge to do the ceremony.
Coffee and postcards I took care of at Budda bar.
Back on the bridge two guys were taking down the drawings. It was drawings of smashed Nazi symbols, the bridge during and after the war and freedom. Hmm apparently it was legal to exhibit on the bridge as we first thought of. Why not get in contact and keep the option open, you never know what will happen.
I randomly met Hanne on the bridge and together we jumped in with both legs – not in the river though, but the trap of two guys. we got to see the bridge museum, visit the diver club, a lot of information about the town, traditions of the 400 year old club, all very exiting things. But we had to sacrifice a whole afternoon as well, listen to how one of guys did all the girls in town, so in the end we had to do some kind of an escape act. Before we could run away they even claimed that we had to pay 80KM for 4 beers (normal price 12KM). Unfortunately they had helped me with my new phone number and of course saved it on their own phones, so I had 10 “missed calls” later that day.
Ya - It was a Surprise to find out that the girls had returned during the night and were sleeping when we came home. On our way home last night witch were meant to be an early chilled night, Anders wanted to by ONE cigaret from a random dude in the Local pub. We have never been there but walks by every morning. The owner asked us to sit down and offered us A drink. We were on the way home but thought that ONE local Sljivovica could be a nice “finish off” on a good day. So we sais “da, Vhalla” -yes please-. and sat down. To the uninformed Sljivovica is the Local Snaps made from plums, contains about 40% alcohol. We only had time to look at the drink before he gave us an other one... This is just an other example of the friendly welcoming we experience all the time. He sat down to have a drink with us, nice man. He knew no English or other language than Bosnien but he did know all the different football players in Denmark and the main clubs. Even AB-Copenhagen... what’s up with that?? amazing!
Anders and me had a REALLY hard time to stop this man serving us! As soon as we looked the other way a new drink was in front of us. Anders tried to hide the glass but the barman found it again and so it kept on. When the bottle was empty, about a liter later, Anders & me rolling our eyes and holding the hand over the glass, saying NO! NO! NO! he started to give us beers instead... This experience was the foundation for not cashing the bus on time the next morning. Next morning feeling fresh though waking up two hours to late. We had planed to go to the water and as Nanna wrote Hedvig would joined us. We all tree of us went with a happy smile (and the boys with a funny stomach, after yesterday). We were heading for the city Neum in south Bosnia for a swim. We found a bus and jumped on. About 1,5 hours driving and the bus stopped. Out of the window we saw a lot of police, the flag of Bosnia & Hertegovina and on the other side the Croatian flag. It looked very much as if this was the boarder, witch didn’t make any sense since Neum still is in Bosnia. Well never the less this was the Boarder and we had no Passport... yaya we could all hear our mom and dads voices in the back of our heads -remember your passport... well anyway, we tried with drivers license and business cards -but no luck! we where left in No-mans land with a hangover and a towel. So much for swimming! after a while a bus came by, heading back to Mostar. we jumped on it and had a yet an other 1,5 hour drive back...
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