Division of the group today:
Søren, Hanne and Hedvig did the photo workshop and Anders and Nanna worked on some practicalities and they got in touch with some media here!
The Photo workshop:
The arrangement was to meet the participants at the Gymnasium at nine o’clock, we came around 5 to nine expecting to be the first ones there…But to our surprise 7 of the participants where already standing there waiting for us, and they normally don’t even have school in the mornings so it was a most pleasant surprise and again really showed their dedication to the project.
After “a 15 minute waiting for the key to the room” break we were all ready to start the day, and as in true KP style we of course started the day with a check-in. Compared to the check- in on Saturday this one was more in thread with what we are used to, a small morning preach from each person telling how they are, their experience with a camera and why they choose to participate at the photo workshop.
After the check-in Hanne did a remembering exercise with them before we went on to the more practical part of the workshop. She hit it off with interview technique, showed how to make a good interview, how to make a bad interview- what questions to ask, how to ask them and of course taught them about the comfort zone. How to sit with your interview object and the importance of reading their body language so they don´t feel uncomfortable, but also so you can relax and take your time with the questions without stressing or being nervous. They got the hang of it and then it was time for our journalists to discuss what questions they were to ask the interview objects, we (the heads of the Mostar-Masunga agency , Hanne, Søren and Hedvig) had already written a suggestion for what questions to ask the night before- so we handed those out, divided our journalists into two groups and the discussion was now to begin!
They tore apart our questions and created their own, gathered in the whole group and continued the discussion on what was a good question, how they could ask the questions to get the information they wanted and the most important thing: what information do they want??? After many opinions expressed, a bit of head chopping and some really good points we all got a common understanding of what we want to gain from this; we want to gather information about what young people in Mostar think about a career centre, how they would like it to be (if it existed), what information it should have and where it should be.
Now that our journalists were on the same page, we were ready to send them out on their first mission. They got together two and two, picked a word from Sørens hat
And their assignment was to visualise the work into a photo. They did a great job, as you can see from the pictures below, the heads of the Mostar-Masunga agency were seriously proud of the journalists/photographers!! None of us had even dared to imagine in such a good result and Hanne as a pro photographer had no worries about the exhibition anymore.
So that’s all for the work related part of the day, we had a kick-ass day!! Loads of fun, some seriously good work done and basically just a great day!
The whole group met at Abrasevic after we all had ended our different parts of the day, had a beer, briefed each other on what we have done etc. Then we decided to go to sky-bar # 2 to have a check-in, status talk or check- up as we like to call it.
Some things got of our chests, we all got to tell the others in the group where we were at the moment, how we thought the project is going and where we think it’s heading.
After some really good talks and about 2 hours later we rounded it all up and decided that we needed a small celebration, so we walked up to the west side of the town where we know of a really good beef place, got a super beef, a big beer and even got a cake on the house as dessert from the restaurant.
So it was a super ending to a super day, we really did a progress in the project today, a progress in the group and generally it was just an overall great day!!




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